Every year, a team from the US travel down to San Telmo, Mexico in order to celebrate the Christmas season by blessing the community with gifts and service. 

During this 2-day trip, we will worship with the local community to bless them spiritually by inviting families to worship and pray with us. We will also bring down new toys and gifts to bless the children physically, as a reminder that God sees and loves them. The new toys and gifts will be a part of a "San Telmo Christmas Gift Operation" where we invite all of our communities to donate through our gift registry. 

Even if you cannot join, please consider giving to the children of San Telmo this Christmas season to remind them of the love of Jesus!

San Telmo Christmas Trip

Date: Dec 15-16
Location: San Telmo, Mexico


Target registry

Amazon registry

If you would like more details,
please contact us at susannahan@4christmission.org